Monday, April 06, 2009

Marang Resort and Safaris - recent pictures

 What used to be the management chalet. This is where we spent sleepless nights thinking, brainstorming ideas and planning our tomorrow. I loved spending time here. I would take the earliest flight from KL and have breakfast of nasi dagang just on this side of the Kuala Ibai bridge. it wasn't that early really by the the time I got here from the airport and if I am unfortunate, the nasi dagang could have been sold out.
At one time, I spent about 3 months living in this resort with my family including my maid, working on a project that will make part of this resort even more boutigue.
I have a small porta-cabin office about half a kilometer to the left of this bridge, on the beach right on the edge of a swamp. The cabin is wired to the main office ( we don't have broadband yet in those days ) and every morning I would 'remote access' my Mac in my office in KL. As far as my architects were concerned at that time, it was as if I was upstairs in my room. On quite a number of occassions I was visited by those boys who were selling Macs in Terengganu because they have probably never seen anybody worked virtually before. I mean theoretically and technically, they were experts and i used to sought their advise when things didn't quite go right. But these were tools to me. I determine how I want to work and where I want to work.
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