Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Morning at Marang Resort and Safaris.

Posted by Hello

one of those rare mornings that i do not have to depend on an alarm clock. i can't even remember when it was that i last heard so many different birds chirping away breaking the silence of the morning. it wasn't even six yet and dawn was still a few minutes away. yet my eyes were already wide open, the air was almost sweet and i felt so refreshed. i have to get up and suck in more of the fresh air and if i sit outside on the verendah of my chalet on the planters chair, i could view the break of dawn slowly bringing this world to life. As the rays of light spread across the vast ocean before me, i couldn't help but notice the calmness of the sea so pristine no diamond could have been cut to equal it. i wanted to freeze this moment in time, at least in my mind and keep it with me forever. but i have to do so many things and the first is to perform my solat subuh, after that i have to be all over the 64 acre resort to witness the phenomena of dawn. of course i could have spread it over a couple of days which i intend to anyway but each day is unique with its own ochestration and blending of sounds, smells, colours, textures and shades.
looking at the restaurant sitting on the water's edge bathed in the morning rays of light with a near perfect reflection from the river makes me wonder if given the chance to re do the resort would it still be the same or would it be different and if it were, how much different. i wouldn't know...all i know is that i have put my passion and my soul into this one and if given another chance, i would still put in my passion and my soul except it would be more.

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