Wednesday, August 23, 2006

izmir in somkiet bury resort in krabi, thailand

it initially started out as a business trip for three of us. however, departure dates kept changing and finally we ended up having to go during the school holidays...better still!! and by the time we made the reservations for the rooms, there were already thirty of us, our families, mothers, mothers-in-law, sisters, nieces and nephews and izmir's classmate, balqish whose parents also wanted to come along. i told them it is going to be a long drive from kl to krabi and i would break the journey into two, taiping to pick up my mother and alor star to pick up my mother-in-law. from alor star to the border bukit kayu hitam, is only a short drive. lunch will be waiting for us in koh lanta.

as fate would have its way, the border crossing was congested and mindless malaysians in a convoy of suv's compounded the matter by creating a new queue thereby jumping ours that was already slow. my wife who couldn't take this nonsense any longer, called the security police to manage the situation.

it was 4.00pm by the time we reached koh lanta for our lunch but the wait was well rewarded...the food was fantastic! the food was prepared by rath's family. rath is a thai national doing some renovation works on a friend's house in malaysia, a very talented and skilled young man, an all-rounder of sorts.